All IDEAS software, scanners and machines come with a 1 year guarantee which you can exercise if you have any issues with how these products work.
IDEAS also offers comprehensive update and maintenance contracts with all the scanners and software. These contracts entitle you to numerous advantages, which are, of course, different from the guarantee. IDEAS upgrade and maintenance contracts run for an initial 3 year periods. If you sign a maintenance and upgrade contract at the time of purchase of your software and scanners, you will get the first year for free. Years 2 and 3 will be invoiced in the course of those years.
IDEAS update and maintenance contracts offer several advantages including regular updates and superior customer service. With the maintenance contract users continue to benefit from our continual R&D and they have a guarantee of compatibility with new versions of Windows and other IT material. Above all, the maintenance contract enables you to protect your initial investment. Here are just some of the benefits of the IDEAS maintenance contracts:
- Online Help
- Telephone Hotline
- Protection of initial investment
- New functions
- Continual increased user productivity
- Priority for specific development
- Minor developments for free
- Your ideas will be taken into account for new versions
- Protection of the compatibility of interfaces